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01 December 2016

DEC 01 - Las Rocas 2nd Anniversary

01 December 2016 - DEC 01 - Las Rocas 2nd Anniversary
Everyone is invited to our Second Anniversary Party at las Rocas Dining Bar.
We have a variety of international Food & Drinks
...come to enjoy our tropical place and make your reservation
for private parties or events with us... we wait for you at Las Rocas.

Bienvenido a Las Rocas Dining Bar ....tenemos una gran variedad de comida y tragos para Ud.
...Ven a dsifrutar nuestro unico ambiente Tropical...reserva tus fiestas privadas con nosotros.
Te esperamos.

Las Rocas Dining Barへようこそ!

Everyone is invited to our Second Anniversary Party at las Rocas Dining Bar.
We have a variety of international Food & Drinks
...come to enjoy our tropical place and make your reservation
for private parties or events with us... we wait for you at Las Rocas.

Bienvenido a Las Rocas Dining Bar ....tenemos una gran variedad de comida y tragos para Ud.
...Ven a dsifrutar nuestro unico ambiente Tropical...reserva tus fiestas privadas con nosotros.
Te esperamos.

Las Rocas Dining Barへようこそ!

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